Monday, June 24, 2013

What WOULD Jesus Do?

WWJD?  How often have you seen this on a bracelet or a t-shirt or on a bumper sticker?  I've seen it thousands of times and I wonder why we are contemplating the question.  The questions we need to ask as a society are:  Who would Jesus kill?  Who would Jesus leave homeless?  Who would Jesus starve?  You get the point.

This country considers itself to be a Christian nation.  In God We Trust is the motto on our currency.  In court, witnesses are asked to swear on a Bible.  Yet this Christian nation killed the native people who were here.  It grew and prospered on a system of slavery.  It usurped land from Mexico and is angry that Mexicans actually want to come back to their original lands.  What form of Christianity is this?  Certainly not the one we espouse to believe in.  History bears out these facts.

Yet it would be so easy to chastise this country (and others) for the ills it has and continues to perpetrate on the world in the name of God.   Extremists Muslims kill hundreds of innocent people with bombs in the name of Allah.  The US continues to kill hundreds in a war that was based on a lie.  Women and children are raped and murdered in the name of Yahweh in Darfur.  Do we believe this is what Jesus had in mind when he asked us to love our neighbors as ourselves?

We know the answer to the questions above is no one.  Jesus would kill no one.  Jesus would leave no one homeless or sick or starving.  So why are we continually asking WWJD?  We all know the answer.  He would do exactly what we are not doing.  He would speak for those who have no voice.  He would let the government know that all life is precious.  He would work to make sure everyone had shelter, healthcare and food.  He would not rest until all was put right. 

We know what Jesus would do.  The question to ask is what will you do?

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