Monday, June 24, 2013

Public Transportation

I love public transportation!  There, my secret is out.  However everyone who knows me knows I love public transportation.  My mom says I would ride the bus to China if I could and she’s right.  I’ve ridden public transportation in cities across the US and in other countries.  At home in Chicago, I get in my favorite seat when I can and read.  I don’t have to battle with traffic, the endless stopping and starting.  No traffic lights, honking horns, slow walking people and crazy driving cabbies.  I can rest, relax and leave the driving to someone else.  It doesn’t get any better than that.

On the other hand, I can’t stand many of the riders.  If you ride public transportation as much as I do, you’ll recognize these people and why they bug the living hell out of me.  There are rules of courtesy that all who ride public transportation should adhere to and if you can’t abide the rules, then don’t get on the bus.

First there are the hustlers.  Now I respect anyone who hustles for a buck as much as the next person.  I just don’t want you to hustle me.  Riding the bus or the train is restful and relaxing for me and I don’t want to be jarred out of my peace by a group of rappers or someone selling a chapbook or begging for a church or preaching.  It’s much too much in the morning and irritating as hell at the end of a long day.

The loud talkers are next.  You know the ones.  Everybody has to be privy to their conversation and when giving them a look of distain, they want to know why you’re in their business.  You don’t mean to be but if they weren’t so loud, no one would hear their business.  That also goes for those folks talking on cell phones.  Trains are noisy and no one can carry on a decent conversation while riding the train so don’t do it.  Wait until you can hear and speak without yelling at the top of your lungs.

I can’t stand people with too much luggage or stuff blocking the aisles.  Buses in Chicago have an area for passengers in wheelchairs, walkers and strollers.  The seat lift and the wheelchairs or strollers lock into place.  Use those seats!  Don’t sit on the seat and put the walker or stroller in the middle of the aisle while people attempt to squeeze by.  It’s rude and it’s stupid.  If you have too much stuff to carry and place on your lap on the bus, get a ride, get a cab or call a friend.  Same thing goes for those with so much luggage, they take up seats on the train.  I realize taking public transportation to the airport is cost effective and great but if you have that much luggage, you need to travel in private.  And I will not stand up so your luggage can sit.  Deal with it.  Finally, you folks with backpacks.  Take them off.  It’s almost impossible to walk down the aisle when multiple people are all wearing backpacks.  I take mine off before I get on the bus or train so others will be able to board.  It’s only courteous to do so.

This goes for the folks who stand in the front of the bus.  Segregation is over and everyone can ride in the front of the back of the bus.  Standing at the front of the bus blocking others from getting on or off the bus is not only discourteous, it’s just stupid.  Very few blind people ride public transportation so we can all see you.  If your need to be seen is that bad, find a shrink and have a long chat about self-esteem.  And if you are standing by the driver due to fear, let it go.  If something breaks out on the bus, the driver will not protect you.  It’s every man for himself at that point.

Speaking of courtesy, my final rant is for those folks who seem to think they are at home when sitting on the bus.  They cross their legs in the aisle like they’re sitting on Letterman’s couch.  When you bump up against their foot, they try to give you a withering look.  I simply say “Move your foot.  This is public space.” and push my way through.  Public transportation is not the place to be seductive.  Do it on your own time and your own space.  

If you can’t catch someone in someplace where people are out to be caught, maybe you need to rethink your bait.

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