Sunday, December 14, 2014

My Apologoes

My friends,

I owe you an apology for not posting in quite sometime. I could say it's because we've been trying to re-establish out lives in Chicago. I could say it's because of my health concerns and those of my husband. I could say it's because I've been so busy job hunting. But the truth is much more simple than that. I haven't posted because I did not, could not post.

So much has gone on over the past several months that I've become overwhelmed trying to make since of it all. It's more than just the Michael Brown or Eric Garner cases. It's more than the Bill Cosby sexual harassment scandals. It's more than the reports of CIA torture. It's more than the mid-term elections. It's all these things and more. I wish I could give you a better answer. I wish I ask your forgiveness. I wish I could tell you things are going to get better. But I know that is not possible or reasonable.

What I will do is offer my apologies for not keeping my word by commenting on the issues of the day and issues in general. And I give you this promise. 2015 is but a couple of weeks away. We have an opportunity to make it better than 2014. I will do my best to keep my word and offer each of you the opportunity to call me on it. Comment, argue, debate, discuss - let's do this together. I may be the engine of this blog but you are the fuel that makes it run. Fill me up!