Sunday, May 31, 2015

Kicking Courtesy to the Curb

You will never go wrong underestimating an asshole. Harsh words to live by I know. In this day of stupidity and rampant disregard for courtesy, it seems civility has gone the way of the 8-track tape. I have seen the demise of courteousness, the downfall of good manners and the death of consideration. It sickens me and I’m not the only one.

Yesterday morning I was awakened from sleep at 5:30am by some seriously loud music. I thought someone was being picked up for work and that the music would soon subside or at least the car would drive away. Silly me! After five minutes, I donned my robe and went outside to talk to the discourteous individual who was interrupting the sleep of me and my neighbors. All the windows and the sunroof of the car were opened as the music blared. Imagine my surprise when I looked into the car and found it empty. I turned toward the neighbor’s house and saw a man pulling something resembling weeds in the front yard. I asked if he was responsible for the barrage of noise. He hastily admitted he was and then asked if the music was too loud. I answered it was and he apologized as he went to the car to turn off the sound. I thanked him, went back into my house and attempted to go back to sleep but sleep did not come. I had been fully awakened by all that had transpired so sleep was out of the question. I lay awake and watched the clock mock me.

Years ago this would not have happened. People were conscious of others. Not always and not all people but for the most part people were considerate of others. Not anymore. In this fast paced world where everyone is texting while driving or making us privy to their lives as they yell into their cell phones or dropping trash in your yard, we seem to have forgotten basic human decency. It’s no longer cool to be kind.

I’d like to believe that what happened yesterday morning was an isolated incident but I know better. I’ve spoken to many others who complain about people parking a car in front of their homes leaving all forms of music blasting. This happens quite a lot to us as we live on a commercial street with a late night fast food chicken place across the street. During the summer, people park in front of our house or the chicken place from 10pm to 4am in the morning leaving music blasting.

People eat the chicken and leave half eaten chicken along with pop cans in our front yard. Every day someone on a cell phone is telling all their business to everyone on the bus or the subway car. People stand in front of our house talking about all manner of things using language suitable only for a premium cable program. Young men wear their pants so low their butt cheeks are showing. Women of all ages are wearing clothing so disgusting they look like they should be working a corner. Those of us who find this behavior appalling are told this is the way of the world, get used to it.

Sorry folks, I just can’t get used to this. I’ve tried but I just can’t do it. I’m well aware time marches forward. I know these are grown folks and not my children. I know we will never go back to a time when we were considerate and cognizant of other people. But I also know those of us who would like to see some civility in society must make others and ourselves accountable. We must talk to our young men about showing their ass to the world. We must let people know they’re talking to loud. We must make people pick up their trash and take it with them. We have to let people know they cannot park in front of our homes leaving their music blaring. We must make people accountable and drag them into a state of courteousness. It is the responsibility of all of us who would to be treated the way we treat others.

If we don’t get back to some form of civility, hell is one half step away.

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